Contact for Web and IT Support

IT Services
Gateshead College,
Quarryfield Road,Gateshead. NE8 3BE
0191 490 2265 IT Services 2265

Other Useful Numbers

Switchboard (0191) 490 0300, (0191) 440 1477 - minicom
Apprenticeships team: (0191) 490 4636
Attendance monitoring: (0191) 490 2323 / 2340
Careers Team: (0191) 490 2216
Conferencing, events and room hire: (0191) 490 2207
Employer training team: (0191) 490 2258
Human resources: (0191) 490 2235
Learning Support Services: (0191) 490 2253/426 4329
Library (0191) 490 2249
Marketing and Communications: (0191) 490 2456
Media enquiries (MHW PR): (0191) 233 1300
Student Services: (0191) 490 4627
Support Funds: (0191) 490 2297/2299